Archie é a atração na posse do novo governador de Utah
Segundo o jornal
The Salt Lake Tribune, David Archuleta foi a atração do evento de ontem. Depois da apresentação, David se encontrou com as fãs no Sala de Recepção. Como sempre ele atendeu os pedidos de todos, conversando com as fãs pelo telefone e abraçando mães e filhas enquanto autografava seu CD.
"Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. might be considered a media-savvy, polished politician, but at his inauguration on Monday even he couldn't compete with David Archuleta for the screams and shrieks of young audience members.
After his performance, Archuleta exited the ceremony by cutting through the Capitol, while scores of girls playing hooky from school followed him. The 18-year-old met fans in the State Reception Room, where Huntsman a half-hour later would greet well-wishers and the media. The singer cheerfully responded to fan requests, placing cell phone calls to friends, or hugging daughters and mothers while signing autographs of his self-titled CD."
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