Premiere de "I Wanna Know" na Rádio Disney
Boa noite Angels, aconteceu ontem 02/05 às 19:14 precisamente a Premiere da Canção I Wanna Know, do nosso querido David com a Hannah Montana - Miley Cyrus, a canção é muito linda, muita emoção de ouvir nosso lindinho e sua voz abençoada.
Letra da Música
When I saw you over there
I didn’t mean to stare
But my mind was everywhere
I wanna know you
Gonna guess that you're the kind
To say what's on your mind
But you listen when I have something to show you
There's a mark above your eye
You got it in July
Fighting for your sister's reputation
You remember people's names
Valentine's are lame
So I bring you valentines for no occasion
I wanna know you
I wanna go there where you go
I wanna find out what you know
And maybe someday down the road
Sit back and say to myself
Yeah, I thought so
You smile and never shout
You stand out in a crowd
You make the best of every situation
Correct me if I’m wrong
You’re fragile and you’re strong
A beautiful and perfect combination
I wanna know you
I wanna go there where you go
I wanna find out what you know
And maybe someday down the road
I'll sit back and say to myself
I like how you are with me
In our future history
And maybe someday down the road
I'll sit back and say to myself
Yeah, I thought so
I thought so
I wanna know you
I wanna go there where you go
I wanna find out what you know
And maybe someday down the road
I'll sit back and say to myself
I like how you are with me
In our future history
And maybe someday down the road
I'll sit back and say to myself
Yeah, I thought so
Créditos para: Todd - Archuleta Fan Scene
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