Campanha para o Lançamento do Zero Gravity

23:23:00 Br.A.A. 0 Comments

O pessoal do Team Archie, preparou um material bem bacana para o lançamento do pacote especial que será lançado no iTunes no próximo dia 09. E melhor, eles irão premiar alguns fãs com o "Fan Pack". Para participar, basta deixar seu email no site. Aproveitem essa chance e divulguem o trabalho do nosso Archie!!!

Fan Bundle Gifting by Team Archie!

David Archuleta is releasing a fan bundle exclusively on iTunes on June 9, 2009. This fan bundle is comprised of one live video of "Touch My Hand" and two never-before-released audio tracks--"Zero Gravity" and "1,000 Miles". If you are able, please make sure to support David by purchasing this fan bundle. If you are not able to purchase it, then Team Archie will help you out!

Team Archie is gifting this iTunes Fan Bundle to every fan who leaves their email address here! We will gift on a first-come first-served basis, as long as we have donations to support this gifting. We will send your gift to you on June 9, 2009, or as soon as we are able if your request is made after that date.

O pacote é composto pelo vídeo do "Touch my Hands" e das músicas "Zero Gravity" e"1,000 Miles".

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