Stacie entrega a placa da SU2C a David Archuleta
Segue a nota de Stacie, que organizou as doações do time para o programa Stand Up 2 Cancer e que ficou em segundo lugar com mais de 30mil dólares. Segue a nota na íntegra ( em inglês) e a reação de David ao receber a placa, em Bridgeport.
Em resumo, ela agradece o apoio de todos pelas doações. Está extremamente grata pelas milhares de pessoas que abriram seus corações para essa causa e que mandaram mensagens a David.
E pede desculpas pela breve nota, mas promete dar mais detalhes na próxima semana, quando descobrir o que é voltar a comer, dormir e respirar.
Também pede desculpas por não mostrar a placa no vídeo. Assume ser bem tímida, frente às celebridades. Notamos isso no vídeo, quando ele pergunta se pode dar um abraço e ela responde " Só se não for filmada". Ele se aproxima dela, mas não ganha o abraço. Percebemos que a emoção é GIGANTE. Sua voz é trêmula.
Promete enviar uma versão eletrônica da placa, que contem o logo e o nome de todos que doaram. Entregou também um arquivo com as histórias e as mensagens enviadas ao David.
"I just wanted to thank you again so much for being so kind and posting all things SU2C. No one I speak to outside of his fanbase can comprehend how “I” developed a large team so quickly. They do not understand how “just a couple of fansites” could make that happen, but of course that is exactly what you did. I do not want you to become the unsung heroes in this story. We should all be singing your praise from the rooftops because you made this happen.
I am so grateful to the hundreds of people who poured their hearts into this effort and into their messages to David. Many even shared personal stories with me as well. David has made it possible not only to unite to change the world, but also for a bunch of truly kind and generous souls all to find one another.
I would like to share my story of the development of the team and of my meeting David with the plaque in Bridgeport. I don’t think most people were aware that despite the confidence they saw in me when it came to my fighting for awareness for children’s cancer, I am the biggest chicken on the planet when it comes to meeting famous people and being photographed or taped. It’s a story that I cannot get down on paper quickly, so I hope that people might be satisfied with a brief note now with the promise of a full story over the next weekend when I will hopefully have caught up on my real job and re-discovered what it’s like to eat, sleep, and breathe.
I wanted to be sure that everyone knows that I did give the plaque to David after the show on Saturday night. My boyfriend and I were so worried about making sure to get David’s reaction (I told him there would be a world-wide bounty on our heads if we didn’t get that video) that we realized afterword we did not get video of the plaque itself. Nancy ER, who designed the plaque I believe can circulate an electronic version. It contained the logo and the name of everyone who contributed. The list was so enormous that in order for me to get it framed with a mat, I had to use a 16 x 29 inch frame. He definitely can’t lose it. I took it to a frame store for help. It was a black frame with a white mat that had inner borders of deep red and then gold. It looked fabulous.
I also gave him printouts and a flash drive of everyone’s tributes and comments to him. There was no time for him to look at any of those during the aftershow, but I told him that these contained people’s stories about why this particular cause was so important to them and why they felt it was so important to do this in David’s honor.
Thank you again to you and each person who contributed. I am so sorry that I was incapable of uttering more than a few random syllables, but everything that people wanted to be communicated to David was indeed communicated, so I hope no one is disappointed.
Thank you again,
Stacie (pecanpie)"
O video é excepcional. A reação dele é maravilhosa. Ele tenta dar o abraço nela, mas não consegue. Quando o segurança diz que ele tem apenas 12 minutos, ela diz "Tchau David" e sai andando. Ai percebemos que David sai atrás dela para dar um abraço. Pena que o vídeo não captou esse momento, mas temos certeza que foi merecedor e de coração. :o)
Parabéns Stacie pela iniciativa e trabalho.
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