Alloy Blog - Diversão no Pier
David escreveu um novo blog no Alloy. No começo, ele comentou sobre os mesmos eventos já escritos do MySpace: A sua ida para o show de Jason Mraz no Greek Theater com Jason Castro.
Depois ele conta que foi ao pier, em Santa Monica:
"Outra coisa que eu fiz foi ir ao pier do Santa Monica. Estava frio, mas foi bacana. Fui na roda gigante e a mulher que estava na minha frente pagou o meu ingresso, haha. Eu acho que foi um gesto bem bacana. A roda gigante foi bem divertida. Eu fui para um aquário pequeno que tem lá, com pequenos tanques. Pepinos do mar são bem esquisitos, haha. Enfim, é isso que eu tenho a dizer por hoje."Leia a mensagem original de David:
Fun at the Pier
Recently, I got to go to the Jason Mraz concert at the Greek Theater! I had tickets for the concert he had in Utah, but I ended up not being able to go because I had more promotion things to do. I'm glad I was eventually able to go, though. It was my first time ever seeing him perform live, and he was amazing! He interacts with the crowd really well, and I like how he involves them. He's always experimenting doing different things with his songs and is just amazing at improv. On some of the songs, he had some gospel singers come and perform with him, and I loooved it. I really liked when he performed "A Beautiful Mess" too, which is an awesome ballad. Jason Castro came along to watch the concert too, and that was fun. He seemed like he had a good time, haha.
Something else I did was I went to the Santa Monica Pier, and that was cold, but fun. I went on the Ferris wheel, and the lady before me in line paid for my ticket, haha. I thought that was really cool of her to do. So the Ferris wheel was nice. I also went to the little aquarium place they have there, and they have a few small tanks and a touch tank. Sea cucumbers feel a little weird, haha. But anyway, that's all I'll say for today.
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