MySpace Blog:: Jingle Balls Update
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"Olá pessoal. Só gostaria de contar como foi o primeiro show da rádio! O primeiro Jingle Ball foi em Sacramento, e foi DEMMMMAAIIISSSS!! Eu não pude acreditar em como estava ansioso! Os outros artistas que estavam lá eram Jesse McCartney, Katy Perry, Boys Like Girls eShontelle. Foi ótimo ver Shontelle lá porque ficamos amigos no desfile do Macy´s haha. Muitas caras familiares! Mas rfealmente eu tive o melhor momento da minha vida. Eu estava tão nervoso antes do show, preocupado com o que eu ia dizer no palco e como seria a apresentação. Quando entrei, a energia da banda e do público, me trouxeram uma ótima sensação. Foi ótimo ver todos os cartazes que vocês fizeram também! Fiquei confortável ao ver alguns rostos conhecidos lá, aplaudindo.. obrigado por terem ido! Espero que vocês possam ir em algum show, caso não foram ainda. Se vocês forem em algum show, me avisem.
Outra coisa muito boa que aconteceu essa semana foi a gravação do videoclip de "A Little Too Not Over You". Foi bem divertido! Tomou um pouco de tempo, mas foram ótimos momentos. O diretor é criativo e foi divertido trabalhar com ele, e as pessoas que participaram do vídeo são hilárias! Eles estão trabalhando com a edição, mas não vejo a hora de ver a versão final.
Outra coisa que aconteceu essa semana: eu perdi meu celular a dois dias atrás lol. Isso não é tão engraçado e animador como as outras coisas, mas ok. Eu tenho quase certeza que eu deixei no avião, mas eles não iam me deixar voltar no avião, porque o próximo destino era um vôo internacional para Vancouver. Eu acho que você não pode voltar para o avião quando é vôo internacional por questões de segurança. E eu não ia poder fazer muita coisa porque eu ia pegar um outro vôo para Orlando, então eu fui pra Orlando enquanto meu celular foi para Vancouver. Eu estou com inveja do meu celular ter ido para Vancouver antes de mim. Eu espero ir também lol. Mas fiquei feliz de ir para Florida. Tive algumas coisas para fazer por lá como gravar algumas coisas e depois fui para Disneylandia!!Isso levantou meu astral. Fomos para todos os parques. Meus tios e primos que moram na região, vieram me visitar e fiquei feliz de ter a oportunidade de vê-los. Família amável. A coisa triste é que eu normalmente uso meu celular para tirar as fotos, então eu não tinha câmera até eu ir no safari do AnimalKingdom. Minha câmera morreu logo depois, então.. Vou tentar postar algumas fotos. Nós tinhamos um guia muito legal ajudando a gente. Ele era realmente amigável e prestativo. Ah propósito, David Cook estava lá também. Nós corremos um para o outro na frente do Piratas do Caribe hahah. É sempre divertido cruzar com ele. Desculpem, mas estou contando os eventos totalmente fora de ordem, mas eu não me lembro exatamente... o cronograma...hahaha. Enfim. Eu posso continuar falando da Disney de forma totalmente desorganizada , mas vai ficar 3 vezes mais longo e fazer menos sentido do que agora.
Vou comentar só mais uma coisa antes de ir, eu me apresentei em Hollywood e no Highland Christmas Tree Lighting na California outra noite. Depois fui para o Jingle Ball da KISS FM. See você foi, espero que tenha gostado.
P.S. Parabéns a Jason Mraz, John Mayer, e Sara Bareilles pelas nomeação no Grammy! Outros cantores que fiquei animado por serem nomeados: Adele, Jennifer Hudson, Coldplay, uma galera haha.
Música do dia: Extraordinary Machine - Fiona Apple"
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"Hi everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know about how the first radio show went! The first Jingle Ball was in Sacramento, and it was AMAAZZIINNGGG!!! I couldn't believe how exciting it was! The other acts that were there were Jesse McCartney, Katy Perry, Boys Like Girls, and Shontelle. It was neat to have Shontelle there because I became friends with her at the Macy's Parade haha. Go familiar faces! But I seriously had the time of my life. I was so nervous before the show, wondering what I was going to say on stage and how I was going to perform. It kind of just came out though, and the energy of the band and crowd was just such a great feeling. It was cool to see all the signs you guys made too! It made me feel more comfortable to see some of you guys out there cheering on, so thanks everyone for coming out! Hopefully you guys will get to go to a show if haven't gone yet. If any of you are going to come to upcoming shows let me know.Another really exciting thing that happened this week was filming the music video for A Little Too Not Over You. This video was so much fun! It took a lot longer, but I really had a great time. The director was really creative and fun to work with, and the people who were in the video were hilarious! They're working on editing it and getting everything together now, but I can't wait to see the finished product.
Other thing that happened this week: I lost my phone 2 days ago lol. That wasn't nearly as fun and exciting as the other things, but oh well I guess. I'm pretty sure I left it on the plane, but they wouldn't let me back on the airplane because the next destination it was going was an international flight to Vancouver. I guess you can't go on the plane if it's international because of security reasons or something. I couldn't do anything about it either because we had to catch another flight going to Orlando, so I went to Orlando as my phone went to Vancouver. I'm actually kinda envious that my phone got to go to Vancouver before I did. I wish I went too lol. But I was really happy about going to Florida. I had a few things to do there like record a bunch of lines, and I got to go to Disneyworld! That totally cheered up my mood. We went to all of the parks and I was a happy camper. My aunt, uncle, and cousins who live in that area also came to visit, and I was really glad that I was able to hang out with them. Gotta love family. The sad thing is that I usually take pictures using my phone, so I didn't have a camera until I went on the safari in Animal Kingdom. My camera died right after that anyway. I'll try to put some pictures up though. We had the coolest tour guide helping us out too. He was really friendly and helpful. Oh David Cook was there too by the way. We ran into each other in front of Pirates of the Caribbean haha. It's always fun bumping into him. Sorry I'm saying all of these events totally out of order but I can't remember the exact... like... timeline haha. But anyway, I could go on forever about Disneyworld in a disorganized manner but then this would be 3 times longer and make even less sense than it already does.
I'll just mention one more thing before I go, I performed at the Hollywood and Highland Christmas Tree Lighting in California the other night. After that I dropped by the KIIS FM Jingle Ball. So for those of you who went, I hope you had fun!
P.S. Congrats to Jason Mraz, John Mayer, and Sara Bareilles for their Grammy Nominations!
Others that were nominated that I'm excited for: Adele, Jennifer Hudson, Coldplay, well a lot haha.
Song for the day: Extraordinary Machine - Fiona Apple"
Other thing that happened this week: I lost my phone 2 days ago lol. That wasn't nearly as fun and exciting as the other things, but oh well I guess. I'm pretty sure I left it on the plane, but they wouldn't let me back on the airplane because the next destination it was going was an international flight to Vancouver. I guess you can't go on the plane if it's international because of security reasons or something. I couldn't do anything about it either because we had to catch another flight going to Orlando, so I went to Orlando as my phone went to Vancouver. I'm actually kinda envious that my phone got to go to Vancouver before I did. I wish I went too lol. But I was really happy about going to Florida. I had a few things to do there like record a bunch of lines, and I got to go to Disneyworld! That totally cheered up my mood. We went to all of the parks and I was a happy camper. My aunt, uncle, and cousins who live in that area also came to visit, and I was really glad that I was able to hang out with them. Gotta love family. The sad thing is that I usually take pictures using my phone, so I didn't have a camera until I went on the safari in Animal Kingdom. My camera died right after that anyway. I'll try to put some pictures up though. We had the coolest tour guide helping us out too. He was really friendly and helpful. Oh David Cook was there too by the way. We ran into each other in front of Pirates of the Caribbean haha. It's always fun bumping into him. Sorry I'm saying all of these events totally out of order but I can't remember the exact... like... timeline haha. But anyway, I could go on forever about Disneyworld in a disorganized manner but then this would be 3 times longer and make even less sense than it already does.
I'll just mention one more thing before I go, I performed at the Hollywood and Highland Christmas Tree Lighting in California the other night. After that I dropped by the KIIS FM Jingle Ball. So for those of you who went, I hope you had fun!
P.S. Congrats to Jason Mraz, John Mayer, and Sara Bareilles for their Grammy Nominations!
Others that were nominated that I'm excited for: Adele, Jennifer Hudson, Coldplay, well a lot haha.
Song for the day: Extraordinary Machine - Fiona Apple"
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