Blog do David - 08/04/10
Oi a todos. Eu queria fazer uma checagem bem rápido e informá-los sobre o momento que tive ontem na volta aos estúdios do American Idol. Eu me diverti bastante!
Eu tenho que admitir que estar naquele palco de novo mexeu comigo e me deixou nervoso. Eu não tinha certeza no que estava pensando. Ver a platéia, os participantes e os jurados foi tão estranho lol. Mas eu vi a Ellen sorrindo antes de eu começar a cantar, que me senti melhor haha. Mas eu não havia cantado Imagine tanto nos últimos anos desde que cantei duas vezes no Idol, e agora são 3 vezes. Mas foi um privilégio cantar essa canção novamente, porque eu acho que possui uma mensagem importante para as pessoas ouvirem hoje em dia. Também me lembrou o quanto ela significa para mim, e novamente mostrar as pessoas o amor que sinto pelo que a música pode fazer para os outros.
Então enquanto eu estava nos estúdios, eu tive a oportunidade de conhcer todos os participantes. Eu estava indo buscar algo no meu quarto no hotel, e vi todos eles parados lá fora esperando pelo ensaio. Eu desci do carro e fui dar oi a eles bem rapidinho. Um grupo de pessoas muito legais! E eles realmente foram bem essa semana. E eu estou muito feliz que os jurados decidiram salvar o Big Mike, porque foi muito intenso lol. De qualquer forma, eu tive a oportunidade de rever a equipe! Minha antiga professora de estúdio que agora é a professora da Katie e do Aaron estava lá. juntamente com todos os operadores de palco, produtores, seguranças, faxineiros, técnicos e muitas outras pessoas. Eu havia esquecido quantas pessoas estão envolvidas para que o show aconteça, fiquei feliz em revê-los.
Minha mãe decidiu um dia antes ir até a casa do meu avô, com a minha irmã, porque meu avô materno nunca assistiu um show do American Idol. Foi muito legal ter eles por perto, juntamente com alguns dos meus amigos. Foi legal cantar e tê-los na platéia, ainda mais porque Jason Derulo e Rihanna estavam lá também. Jason e eu cantamos no evento de caridade da Jordin Sparks em fevereiro, e ele era um dos convidados mais legais e amigáveis lá. Um cara muito legal e a minha irmãzinha adora ele lol. Eu também tive a oportunidade de conhecer a Rihanna que foi muito legal. (A qual é alta, mas ela estava usando salto. Ela é mais alto do que eu de qquer jeito). Mas foi um dia muito legal ontem. Eu espero que aqueles que assistiram tenham gostado! Eu adoro poder cantar essas canções, e espero poder achar mais canções assim para cantar pra vocês no futuro.
Outra coisa que pude fazer essa semana foi ir ao show do Five for Fighting, o qual o Matt Wertz estava abrindo. O Matt me convidou e esse foi um dos shows favoritos, o qual já estive. A música é tão boa e te move. Alguns de meus amigos foram comigo e foram apresentados a ótimas canções. Sugiro que vocês confiram os dois se ainda não tiveram a oportunidade. Um dos bailes da minha escola, na verdade tinha uma música do Matt Wertz como tema, e foi assim que descobri sobre a música dele, e agora eu tenho a chance de compor com ele e passear com ele. E como vocês devem saber, por terem ido na turnê de Natal, eu cantei uma canção do Five for Fighting, chamada The Riddle, no show. Quando eu estava assistindo ao show, eu realmente pensei "Cara, eu espero que possa ser capaz de fazer isso com minha própria música e composições um dia" (John Ondrasik do Five for Fighting), e ele realmente faz isso com as canções que escreve. Ele conta histórias incríveis com elas, que realmente atingem você e te fazem pensar e sentir. Mas foi um ótimo show!!
Bom isso é tudo que tenho que dizer por hora. Eu só queria que vocês soubessem que tive ótimos momentos no Idol e agora após uma reunião e algumas entrevistas, estou saindo para uma sessão de composição. Amanhã estarei cantando no intervalo do jogo do Utah Blaze, e vai ser ótimo dar apoio a um time de Utah. Um dos meus grandes amigos é um fã do Utah Blaze, então estarei cantando em honra a ele. Será ótimo poder estar com a minha família também, já que amanhã é aniversário da minha mãe. Mas é melhor eu ir indo pra sessão de composição, eu falo com vocês outra hora!
Músicas do Dia: Sweetness in Starlight - Matt Wertz, essa era a música tema de um dos bailes da escola. Adoro.
Chances - Five for Fighting.
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Helloooo everyone. I wanted to check in really quick and let you know about my time yesterday back at the American Idol studios. I had such a great time!!
I have to admit being on that stage again shook me and my nerves up pretty good. I wasn't sure what was going on with my mind. Just seeing the audience, the contestants, and then the judges was so weird lol. But I saw Ellen smiling right before I started and it made me feel better haha. But I haven't really performed Imagine very much in the last couple of years since I had sung it twice on Idol, and now it's 3 times. But it was such a privilege to get to sing it again, because I think it's a song with a message that's important for people to hear again right now. It also reminded me of how much that song meant to me, and to again show people what I love about what music can do for others.
So while I was at the studios, I got to meet all of the contestants. I was on my way to get something from my hotel room, and saw them all standing outside waiting for rehearsal. I got out of the car and ran out to say hi to all of them really quick. A group of cool people! And they sure did really well this week. I'm really glad that the judges decided to use the save this week with big Mike because that was pretty intense lol. Anyway, I also got to see all of the crew again! my old studio teacher who now is Katie and Aaron's teacher was there, along with all the stage managers, producers, security, cleaners, technicians, and so many more people. I forgot how many people were involved to make the show happen, and I was glad to see them all.
My mom decided the day before to drive down with my grandpa and sister to come see the show since my mom's dad has never attended an Idol show. It was fun having them there, along with some of my friends. It was a fun night to perform and have them there since Jason Derulo and Rihanna were there. Jason and I both performed at Jordin Sparks' charity event back in February, and he is seriously one of the coolest, friendliest artists out there. A really nice guy, and my little sister
loves him lol. I also had the chance to meet Rihanna who was also really nice (and tall, but she had really high heels on. She's still taller than me either way.) But it was just a fun day yesterday! I
hope those of you who watched it enjoyed it! I love getting to sing a song like that, and hope to find more songs like that in the future to perform for you guys Smile.
Another thing I got to do this week was go to the Five For Fighting concert with Matt Wertz opening for them! It was such a goooood concert!! Matt invited me to go and it is one of my favorite concerts
I've attended! The music was just so good, and it just moves you. Some of my friends came with me and were introduced to some great music. You guys ought to check both of them out if you haven't yet! One of the dances at my high school actually had a Matt Wertz song as the theme haha. That's how I first found out about his music, and now I've gotten the chance to write with him and hang out with him. And as you may know from going to the Christmas tour, I performed a Five for Fighting song called The Riddle during those concerts. When I was watching that show, it made me really think, "Man, I hope to be able to do that with my own music and writing some day." John Ondrasik (from
Five for Fighting) really does that with the songs that he writes. He tells amazing stories in them that just really hit you and make you think and feel. But really it was a great great show!
Well that's all I had to say for now! I wanted to let you guys know I had a great time at Idol, and now after a meeting and some interviews today I'm off to a writing session. Tomorrow I'll be singing at the
half time game for the Utah Blaze, which will be fun to support a Utah team haha. One of my really good friends is such a Blaze fan, and I'm doing it in honor of him. It'll be great to be with my family tomorrow too since it's my mom's birthday. But I better get going to this writing session, and I'll talk to you guys later!
songs for the day: Sweetness in Starlight - Matt Wertz
this was the song that was the theme for one of the dances at my high
school haha. I love it.
Chances - Five for Fighting
I have to admit being on that stage again shook me and my nerves up pretty good. I wasn't sure what was going on with my mind. Just seeing the audience, the contestants, and then the judges was so weird lol. But I saw Ellen smiling right before I started and it made me feel better haha. But I haven't really performed Imagine very much in the last couple of years since I had sung it twice on Idol, and now it's 3 times. But it was such a privilege to get to sing it again, because I think it's a song with a message that's important for people to hear again right now. It also reminded me of how much that song meant to me, and to again show people what I love about what music can do for others.
So while I was at the studios, I got to meet all of the contestants. I was on my way to get something from my hotel room, and saw them all standing outside waiting for rehearsal. I got out of the car and ran out to say hi to all of them really quick. A group of cool people! And they sure did really well this week. I'm really glad that the judges decided to use the save this week with big Mike because that was pretty intense lol. Anyway, I also got to see all of the crew again! my old studio teacher who now is Katie and Aaron's teacher was there, along with all the stage managers, producers, security, cleaners, technicians, and so many more people. I forgot how many people were involved to make the show happen, and I was glad to see them all.
My mom decided the day before to drive down with my grandpa and sister to come see the show since my mom's dad has never attended an Idol show. It was fun having them there, along with some of my friends. It was a fun night to perform and have them there since Jason Derulo and Rihanna were there. Jason and I both performed at Jordin Sparks' charity event back in February, and he is seriously one of the coolest, friendliest artists out there. A really nice guy, and my little sister
loves him lol. I also had the chance to meet Rihanna who was also really nice (and tall, but she had really high heels on. She's still taller than me either way.) But it was just a fun day yesterday! I
hope those of you who watched it enjoyed it! I love getting to sing a song like that, and hope to find more songs like that in the future to perform for you guys Smile.
Another thing I got to do this week was go to the Five For Fighting concert with Matt Wertz opening for them! It was such a goooood concert!! Matt invited me to go and it is one of my favorite concerts
I've attended! The music was just so good, and it just moves you. Some of my friends came with me and were introduced to some great music. You guys ought to check both of them out if you haven't yet! One of the dances at my high school actually had a Matt Wertz song as the theme haha. That's how I first found out about his music, and now I've gotten the chance to write with him and hang out with him. And as you may know from going to the Christmas tour, I performed a Five for Fighting song called The Riddle during those concerts. When I was watching that show, it made me really think, "Man, I hope to be able to do that with my own music and writing some day." John Ondrasik (from
Five for Fighting) really does that with the songs that he writes. He tells amazing stories in them that just really hit you and make you think and feel. But really it was a great great show!
Well that's all I had to say for now! I wanted to let you guys know I had a great time at Idol, and now after a meeting and some interviews today I'm off to a writing session. Tomorrow I'll be singing at the
half time game for the Utah Blaze, which will be fun to support a Utah team haha. One of my really good friends is such a Blaze fan, and I'm doing it in honor of him. It'll be great to be with my family tomorrow too since it's my mom's birthday. But I better get going to this writing session, and I'll talk to you guys later!
songs for the day: Sweetness in Starlight - Matt Wertz
this was the song that was the theme for one of the dances at my high
school haha. I love it.
Chances - Five for Fighting
Sweetness in Starlight
Créditos para: oJaXo
Créditos para: stevedry
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