Alloy Blog: Banding Together
Depois eu continuei gravando, lol,Then I've just been doing more recording, LOL, regravando algumas partes das músicas. Estamos cobrindo algumas falhas, mas vamos começar a mixar todas as músicas, q que vai acontecer em algum momento. Então estou bem excitado com tudo isso porque eu não vejo a hora de ouvir todas as músicas em suas versões finais. "Crush" foi a única que foi masterizada, então mal posso esperar pelo resto. É muito loucooooooo!
Acho que é isso por enquanto. Eu atualizo vocês com o tempo.
Se cuidem,
Then, on Saturday we held band auditions. I was a little nervous about it just because I felt like I didn't have the knowledge it takes to put a band together, haha. We had my family there and some other people to help out, though, so it all worked out really well. So I'm excited! I can't wait when everything finally comes together with the band.
Then I've just been doing more recording, LOL, which is mainly just redoing parts of songs and touching up. We've been wrapping that up, though, to start doing final mixes for all the songs, which is happening any day now. So I'm pretty excited about that too because I can't wait to hear all the songs I've been recording as finished tracks. "Crush" has been the only song that has had the mastered mix, so I can hardly wait for the rest. It's craaazzyyy!
But that's all for now I guess. I'll let you know about what else comes along.
Take care,
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