MySpace Blog: Promoções nas rádios

23:45:00 Br.A.A. 0 Comments

Olá pessoal! Só gostaria de atualizar vcs sobre os últimos acontecimentos.
Hoje estou em Pittsburgh para promoções nas rádios, e acabei de dar algumas entrevistas. Começou na segunda em San Diego. Eu amo San Diego, mas fiquei deprimido quando ouvi que a banda Tokio Hotel iria para a mesma rádio que eu ia, no mesmo dia! Mas eu tive que sair de Seattle antes deles chegarem lá, o que foi Eles são bem diferentes, mas eu gosto deles. Bom depois de Seattle fui para Milwaukee ( onde Mietra nasceu lol). oh a propósito, ela NAO é minha namorada! Eu sei que muita gente pensa isso, mas... seria como casar com uma prima. Ela é muito legal e é bom sair com ela e com a galera, mas nada além disso haha. Mas eu sai com ela, Fish ( foi ela que começou a me chamar de " garoto alface"), e mais um pessoal nos dias que estive em Utah, na semana passada. mas enfim, estou saindo do foco... Depois de Milwaukee, fui para Chicago, e agora estou em Pittsburh. Tem sido bem bacana, e ten ho encontrado muita gente que me acompanhou no tour do American Idol. A propósito, não tenho tido muito tempo para conversar com voces, mas é muito bom ver todos voces.

Antes das visitas as rádios, eu fui para uma sessão de fotos para uma revista adolescente na sexta, hah Foi bem divertido. Depois fui na festa de aniversário do Michel Johns e revi vários amigos do tour e dos shows. Me encontrei com Jason e Brooke no final de semana também. Fui comer comida mexicana com Jason e depois assistimos Eagle Eye hahha. Foi um bom filme, e foi divertido passar alguns momentos com o Jason, já que fazia um tempo que não o via. Com a Brooke, ela me convidou para ir a uma loja com ela e ficamos dando algumas voltas haha. Tiramos fotos de algumas roupas e visuais. Acho que é isso por hora. Estarei em Ohio e acho que vai ser bacana. Espero ver todos que estiverem em Ohio!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know a little more on what's going on lately. Today I'm in Pittsburgh for the radio promo tour, and I just have a few interviews to do while I'm here. It started Monday in San Diego. I love San Diego, but I was bummed when I heard Tokio Hotel was going to be at the station I was at that same day! I had to leave for Seattle before they got there, which was too bad lol. They're really different but I like that about them. So then to Seattle, and after that Milwaukee (where Mietra was born lol.) Oh and by the way she's NOT my girlfriend! I know a lot of people still think that, but.... that's pretty much like marrying your cousin. She's really cool and fun to hang out with since she gets along with a lot of people, but we don't dig each other like that haha. But I got to hang out with her, Fish (the one who started calling me lettuce boy), and a bunch of other people while I had a couple of days off in Utah last week. We all had a blast. But anyway I'm getting off topic here... After Milwaukee was Chicago, and now I'm here in Pittsburgh. It's been really great so far, and I've seen a lot of you guys from the American Idol tour! Even though I don't have a whole lot of time to talk to you guys it's still really great to see everyone.

So before the radio promotion stuff started, I had a photo shoot for some teen magazines on Friday haha, and it was a lot of fun. Then, I went to Michael Johns' birthday party and saw a lot of friends from the tour and show. I also got to hang out with Jason and Brooke over the weekend too. With Jason, we had some Mexican food and watched Eagle Eye haha. It was a pretty good movie, and it was fun to spend some time with Jason again since I haven't really spent time with him for a while. With Brooke, she invited me to go to a store with her and we just messed around like dorks haha. We actually took pictures of looking at the clothes and trying stuff on lol. So I guess I'll load some up! But yeah, we had a good time. I guess that's all really for now. We'll be going to Ohio next and that should be pretty cool too. So for those of you who'll be at the Ohio events, I'll see you there!

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