Novo Blog de David
Hey guys! Hope everything’s been going well with everyone. Things have been CRAZY the last week or so, but it’s been soooo much fun. I’ve mainly been writing(!!!) and recording, trying to wrap things up here for the album. I have a couple of pictures here from in the studio! Haha. I mentioned in my mobile message (801.386.8196) a little about writing, but I’m just going to say again how much I love it! It’s been so exciting, being able to write with different writers and learn so much from them. I remember a while back when I first had writing sessions with other people, and I was pretty nervous and frozen, but now I’ve been able to open up and just throw around ideas. Haha. A lot of ideas may even be really lame, haha, but when you just sing a weird line or melody it can spark ideas for who you’re writing with. So, if you’re trying to decide what to do one day, you should write! Haha
Another thing I just wanted to say since I haven’t had a chance to say something in a while is THANK YOU!!! I can’t believe how well the video for “Crush” has done so far, and I’m so glad to hear you guys like it. It blew my mind again to see that it was #1 on iTunes, and I have just really appreciated how supportive everyone has been. I’ve really missed seeing everyone on tour too, haha. It was fun talking to everyone and hearing what you had to say, so I love looking at the comments posted online and the voice messages crack me up! Oh my heck, haha, I love ‘em. But anyway, thanks again so much! I’m doing my best to make this album for you guys, and it’s been a lot of fun!
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