Blog: New Hampshire
Olá! Eu estou em New Hampshire agora para os 3 últimos shows com a Demi Lovato essa semana. Nós fizemos ensaios hoje, e eles foram muito bem. Eu não tenho cantado essas canções faz tempo, haha, mas será legal cantá-las nos shows. É muito divertido rever o pessoal da equipe de novo! Será legal cantar para vocês de novo! Então me avisem se vocês virão, aos shows que estarão acontecendo! Eu sei que o clima está meio nebuloso, mas aparentemente eu deixei Utah a tempo, porque está começando uma grande nevasca naquela área. Eu prefiro a chuva aqui no oeste do que as congelantes tempestades de neve nas Montanhas. Eu espero que todos lá estejam em segurança aliás.
Então na segunda-feira, eu falei na sessão da manhã na Conferência Anual das Mulheres em Utah. Eu era o palestrante da sessão da manhã, e Laura Bush era a palestrante da parte da tarde. Eu estava um bocado nervoso para falar, quando eu estava tentando descobrir o que deveria dizer, mas quanto mais eu pensava nisso, mais surpreso eu ficava e animado em querer falar. Eu tive ótimos momentos falando o que estava na minha mente e compartilhando com as senhoras que foram haha. Eu fiquei feliz que o Senador Orrin Hatch, me convidou, muito obrigado Senador! Quantos de vocês puderam ir ou ouvir a conferência, de alguma maneira? Se alguns de vocês anotaram, eu realmente tenho curiosidade em saber o que foi interessante, eu acho haha. Minha irmã Claudia foi lá e levou a minha amiga Ashlee com ela, e elas fizeram anotações. Foi muito esquisito pensar que minha irmã e amiga estavam anotando o que eu estava falando, mas ao mesmo tempo eu achei muito incrível. Então se tiver alguma coisa que você aprendeu com o que eu disse, gostaria de saber o que tocou mais em você!
Hoje eu fiz um ótimo trabalho de exercícios! Mas a coisa ruim é que quando eu estava andando na esteira, eu fiz algo com minhas costas. E ainda não está muito boa, lol. Durante o ensaio eu sentei no banquinho, o que foi muito esquisito durante Zero Gravity! Eu espero que eu possa me mover melhor amanhã. Imagine eu cantando "Nothing brings me dooown, when you're aroound", e sentado num banquinho. hahaha....Bem na verdade seria bem engraçado, mesmo que acontecesse. Mas oh bem, eu provavelmente já estou terminando de falar. Oh espere! O Halloween é neste final de semana! Se vocês tiverem alguma fantasia legal, por favor compartilhem comigo! bwahahaha! Eu ainda não pensei em nenhuma fantasia legal, mas verei se estarei no espírito quando o dia se aproximar! Mas então eu vou parar de falar agora, e falo com vocês semana que vem. Ciao!
Música do dia: Live like we're dying - Kris Allen
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Hola! I am in New Hampshire right now for the last 3 shows with Demi Lovato this week. We had rehearsals today, and they went pretty well. I haven't sung these songs for a while haha, but it'll be fun to do them for the shows. It's fun seeing all the crew people again! It'll be fun to perform for all you guys again! So let me know if you're coming to any of the shows that are coming up! I know the weather has been pretty gloomy, but apparently I left Utah right as we were getting some major snow in that area. I prefer the rain here in the east over the freezing snowstorms in the Rocky Mountains. I hope everyone back over there is safe though.
So last Monday I spoke at the morning session for the Utah Women's Conference. I was the speaker for the morning session, and Laura Bush was the speaker for the afternoon session. I was a little nervous to speak when I was trying to figure out what I should say, but the more I thought about it the more I surprisingly got excited to speak. I really had a great time getting to talk about what was on my mind and share it with all the ladies who came haha. I'm glad that Senator Orrin Hatch invited me to come, so thank you very much Senator! How many of you were able to make it to that conference, anyway? If any of you took notes I'd be really curious as to what was note-worthy I guess haha. My sister Claudia came and brought my friend Ashlee with her, and they took notes. It was really odd to think that my sister and friend were taking notes on what I was saying, but I thought that was really neat at the same time. So if there was anything you were able to learn from what I shared I'd love to hear what stood out to you!
Today I got a great workout in! But the bad thing is while I was running on the treadmill I did something to my back. It still doesn't feel very good lol. During the rehearsals I just sat on the stool, which was really weird during Zero Gravity! I'm hoping that I can move around better tomorrow haha. Imagine me singing "Nothing brings me dooown, when you're aroound" and I'm stuck on a stool. hahaha... It's funny as long as it doesn't actually happen lol. Well... it probably would be funny even if it did happen. But oh well. Anyway, I'm probably finished talking. Oh wait! Halloween is this weekend! If you guys have any cool costumes you should share! bwahahaha. I really don't have anything in mind for myself costume-wise, but I guess we'll see if I'm in the mood when the day comes closer. But all right, I'll stop talking now and talk to you guys next week! Ciao.
Song for the day: Live Like We're Dying - Kris Allen
So last Monday I spoke at the morning session for the Utah Women's Conference. I was the speaker for the morning session, and Laura Bush was the speaker for the afternoon session. I was a little nervous to speak when I was trying to figure out what I should say, but the more I thought about it the more I surprisingly got excited to speak. I really had a great time getting to talk about what was on my mind and share it with all the ladies who came haha. I'm glad that Senator Orrin Hatch invited me to come, so thank you very much Senator! How many of you were able to make it to that conference, anyway? If any of you took notes I'd be really curious as to what was note-worthy I guess haha. My sister Claudia came and brought my friend Ashlee with her, and they took notes. It was really odd to think that my sister and friend were taking notes on what I was saying, but I thought that was really neat at the same time. So if there was anything you were able to learn from what I shared I'd love to hear what stood out to you!
Today I got a great workout in! But the bad thing is while I was running on the treadmill I did something to my back. It still doesn't feel very good lol. During the rehearsals I just sat on the stool, which was really weird during Zero Gravity! I'm hoping that I can move around better tomorrow haha. Imagine me singing "Nothing brings me dooown, when you're aroound" and I'm stuck on a stool. hahaha... It's funny as long as it doesn't actually happen lol. Well... it probably would be funny even if it did happen. But oh well. Anyway, I'm probably finished talking. Oh wait! Halloween is this weekend! If you guys have any cool costumes you should share! bwahahaha. I really don't have anything in mind for myself costume-wise, but I guess we'll see if I'm in the mood when the day comes closer. But all right, I'll stop talking now and talk to you guys next week! Ciao.
Song for the day: Live Like We're Dying - Kris Allen
Kris Allen - Live like you're dying
Créditos para: zenvirgil
Créditos para: zenvirgil
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