Capa do CD e DVD MOTAB Glad Christmas Tidings

21:32:00 Dri.BrAA 0 Comments

Boa noite, Angels.
Parece que essa é a semana das divulgações lol lol
Hoje foi divulgada a capa do CD e DVD, que será lançado dia 6 de Setembro, do especial de Natal que David realizou em Dezembro do ano passado.


créditos: FOD
créditos: FOD

Track List

1. Processional: “A Christmas Roundelay” (4:46) Choir, Orchestra, and Bells

2. Joy to the World (3:20) Choir, Orchestra, and Bells, featuring David Archuleta

3. The Cat and the Mouse Carol (6:28) Choir and Orchestra, featuring David Archuleta

4. “Gloria in excelsis” from Mass in C Minor (2:23) Choir and Orchestra

5. Gesú bambino (4:21) Choir and Orchestra, featuring David Archuleta

6. “Ring Out, Ye Crystal Spheres” from Hodie (4:29) Choir and Orchestra

7. Los pastores a belén (2:58) David Archuleta with Orchestra

8. Silent Night (4:45) Choir and Orchestra, featuring David Archuleta

9. Three Dancing Carols (5:47) Choir, Orchestra, and Bells

10. A Holiday Hoedown for Organ (“Deck Them Halls”) (2:17) Organist: Richard Elliott

11. Away in a Manger (3:34) Choir and Orchestra

12. Angels, from the Realms of Glory (4:39) Choir, Orchestra, and Bells, featuring David Archuleta

13. Sing, Choirs of Angels! (14:58) Narrator: Michael York
Por enquanto não há nenhuma informação se o CD e DVD irá ser lançado no Brasil.

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